Student Wellbeing

Includes jobs involved in educating and counseling students on topics such as alcohol, drugs and mental health/wellness. Typical activities include the development and distribution of educational materials, individual and group education sessions, and follow-up and monitoring of students.

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Exempt Individual Contributor (EIC)

EIC1 Associate
$35,881 - $71,226 ($17.26 - $34.25)
EIC2 Professional
$39,470 - $78,351 ($18.98 - $37.67)
EIC3 Specialist
$43,416 - $86,185 ($20.88 - $41.44)

EIC Career Guide PDF

Management (M)

M1 Supervisor
$52,534 - $104,284 ($25.26 - $50.14)
M2 Manager
$63,567 - $126,186 ($30.56 - $60.67)
M3 Director
$70,559 - $140,064 ($33.92 - $67.34)

M Career Guide PDF