Skilled Maintenance

Includes jobs responsible for the skilled maintenance of all campus facilities. Typical activities include HVAC, boiler, and turbine repair. Also includes jobs requiring certification or an apprenticeship in a skilled trade such as electrician, plumbing, carpentry, and HVAC repair.

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Non-Exempt Individual Contributor (NIC)

NIC1 Assistant
$32,620 - $64,754 ($15.68 - $31.13)
NIC2 Coordinator
$39,470 - $78,351 ($18.98 - $37.67)
NIC3 Technician
$43,416 - $86,185 ($20.88 - $41.44)

NIC Career Guide PDF

Management (M)

M1 Supervisor
$57,787 - $114,712 ($27.78 - $55.15)
M2 Manager
$78,320 - $155,472 ($37.65 - $74.74)

M Career Guide PDF