What are you thankful for this season?

Author: Natalie Davis Miller, Managing Editor, NDWorks

Holidaygraphics 2020

This year has been trying for everyone. We’ve struggled, we’ve adapted, we’ve persevered and we’ve succeeded. Last week, I ventured out (safely) across campus to ask people one simple question:  What are you thankful for this season? The responses were varied but one thread ran through them all — everyone had an answer pointing to what is meaningful to them. This week, NDWorks shares what some of our Notre Dame family members most appreciate. The upcoming holidays are an opportunity for reflection. So here’s something to reflect upon: What are you thankful for?

“I'm thankful for, not just this year but especially this year, for being here, working here and meeting so many nice and good people at Notre Dame. Everybody's helpful and everybody's patient and everybody's so kind to me. I know so many people who are very nice people.”
~Nina Ansimova, seamstress, St. Michael’s Laundry

“I'm thankful that we were able to have a fall semester — that the students were able to come back and join us here on campus and have the bulk of their classes in person, as opposed to having the entire semester be remote. I know it was a lot different than anybody ever imagined, and some of the rules got changed along the way. But nevertheless, the students were all able to come here on campus and experience this fall semester.”
~Ron Grisoli, assistant director of student activities, Duncan Student Center

“I am thankful for our St. Michael's team — for my coworkers and the support we have here.”
~Shannen McKaskle, assistant director, St. Michael’s Laundry

“I am thankful for democracy.”
~Atalia Omer, professor of religion, conflict, and peace studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and the Keough School of Global Affairs

“What I'm thankful for this season is family, friends and my new puppy dog.”
~Kathy Barone, security monitor, Notre Dame Police Department

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“I am thankful for family and simply being healthy, especially during the season with COVID-19 and everything that's been going on. I definitely have a different appreciation for physical health and wellness. And I'm grateful to just be here at the University of Notre Dame with great colleagues and great supervisors.”
~Leila Ellis, program manager, Parking Services

“I am thankful for my happy and healthy growing family.”
~Adam Carlisle, groundskeeper, Landscape Services

“I am thankful for the Notre Dame community who has worked so hard together to provide a great semester for our students.”
~Olivia Rosenberg, Parking Services coordinator

“I am thankful for the perspective that 2020 will provide long term. I hope this year has helped us realize what's truly important and what we can do without. Also, I think everyone has grown so much, and become stronger in ways that maybe aren't clear quite yet. Growth is often painful, but the benefits of that growth are always realized at some point down the road. So I'm hopeful that, as we get beyond this season, we'll be able to see ways we improved and take hold of things that maybe we took for granted previously.” 
~Andy Fuller, director of strategic content

“I'm thankful for my husband Dave, my son Brian and my daughter Winnie and our two pups and our cat.”
~Sarah Ingle, RN supervisor

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“I'm grateful to St. Michael's team for providing essential laundry services to the Congregation of Holy Cross community as well as to students who are in quarantine and isolation due to the pandemic.” 
~Larose Saint Jean, director, St. Michael's Laundry

“‘Tis the season to be thankful for good health.”
~Julie Ettl, business manager at Notre Dame Magazine

“I am thankful for my health, I'm thankful for my family, which is really great. They put up with a lot from me and I'm thankful for the Notre Dame community that surrounds me here. They are great people.”
~James Becker, usher 

“My other job is as a Christian missionary. I'm very thankful for a life to be able to assist in different regions of the world, in the capacity that I can. So, I'm thankful that God has given me the grace and the spirit and the opportunity to serve.”
~Patrick Holderman, Notre Dame police officer

“I am thankful for my family's health and my family.”
~Carrie McCann, senior department administrative coordinator, OIT administration

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“I'm thankful for my health and my family's health.”
~Jason Storms, groundskeeper, Landscape Services

 “I am thankful for a renewed sense of hope that I feel in the country, and also with my loved ones.” 
~Karen Joseph, administrative assistant for events, Kellogg Institute for International Studies

“I am thankful for life. I'm thankful for the goodness of so many people here at Notre Dame who are making heroic efforts  keeping everyone healthy and well. And staff, faculty and students — I’m thankful for all.”
Father Jim Bracke, C.S.C., Notre Dame staff chaplain

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Originally published by Natalie Davis Miller, Managing Editor, NDWorks at ndworks.nd.edu on November 16, 2020.