Engagement survey ND Voice opens March 8 and closes March 22

Author: Office of Human Resources

Nd Voice Web

ND Voice is the University’s biennial employee engagement survey

Since 2006, this confidential survey has asked for opinions on workplace topics such as training, benefits, management, and more. The feedback we receive helps the University—and individual departments—spot opportunities, take action, and be the best they can be. If you are a Notre Dame staff member, we want your feedback – even if you’ve taken a previous survey. University-wide participation in ND Voice is key to the survey’s goals.

After ND Voice gets administered, the University looks at the overall results, and each department also looks at its own results. When the results are compared to previous surveys, trends emerge. Did prior action areas improve? Have new opportunities developed? A lot can change in two years, and your feedback starts the sort of conversations necessary to enact positive changes.

Your confidential input will help us identify areas where we can improve engagement at the University.

To make it as easy as possible to make your voices heard, we want to highlight a few features of this year’s survey: 

  • Mobile-Friendly - Our survey is mobile-friendly, making it more accessible to take!
  • Translation options - The survey will be available in Spanish and Vietnamese. If additional translations are needed, view instructions for using the Google Translate tool, step-by-step instructions are available here.  

In order to maintain 100% confidentiality, we will continue to partner with Quantum Workplace.

You will receive an email invitation to take the survey from Quantum Workplace on March 8. Your feedback is extremely important to us and will impact action plans at the University and division level. Thank you for your participation and for all you do each day in service to Notre Dame.