PRP Training for Faculty and Staff



Whether it be your work, children, relationships, or even just your daily routine, being resilient is important when there’s a lot on your plate.

The Penn Resilience Program at Notre Dame (PRP@ND) has a variety of trainings for faculty and staff this semester. PRP@ND is an evidence-based training program that has been demonstrated to build resilience, well-being, and optimism. 

We’ll cover topics to help you be resilient both in and out of the classroom, such as:

  • Building blocks of resilience
  • Strategies of optimism
  • Thinking traps and what triggers them
  • Effects of catastrophizing and common reactions

About the Trainings

Trainings are being offered for both students and faculty & staff this semester. A variety of training lengths are available. You must attend each of the trainings in the sessions you choose for the best training experience.

Fall 2023 Registration & Training

Monthly training sessions - Three sessions over the course of two months. 

  • October 11th 
  • November 15th
  • November 29th

Click here to register for a training session