Instructional Development/Support

Includes jobs involved in the implementation, maintenance and oversight of academic or research program. Performs tasks including working with funding agencies, developing financial resources and programs. Collaborates with faculty members on developing research programs, agendas and oversees implementation. May teach courses and provide guidance to faculty regarding funding, staffing and space implications. Assists in formulating program strategies and goals, directs long-term planning and develops policies and procedures.

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Non-Exempt Individual Contributor (NIC)

NIC3 Technician
$56,372 - $112,746 ($27.10 - $54.20)

NIC Career Guide PDF

Exempt Individual Contributor (EIC)

EIC1 Associate
$57,787 - $114,712 ($27.78 - $55.15)
EIC2 Professional
$86,936 - $172,574 ($41.80 - $82.97)
EIC3 Specialist
$97,369 - $193,285 ($46.81 - $92.93)

EIC Career Guide PDF

Management (M)

M1 Supervisor
$97,369 - $193,285 ($46.81 - $92.93)
M3 Director
$122,138 - $242,454 ($58.72 - $116.56)

M Career Guide PDF