Child/elder care days

Author: Office of Human Resources

Childelder Care Days

As many schools in our area open this week, there are concerns about how they will handle exposure to COVID-19 and required quarantines for children.

We anticipate there will be times during the fall semester when staff are not able to work from campus due to COVID-related child and elder care needs. We encourage managers and supervisors to be flexible with these situations and allow work from home when possible.

Since remote work is not possible for every role on campus, we are re-introducing 10 temporary Child/Elder Care Leave Days. Staff can use these leave days through December 31, 2021, for times when children need to quarantine (up to 10 days) due to an exposure or to take care of elders affected by COVID. 

Learn more about how the University of Notre Dame can support your well-being with our work/life benefits, including those that help address child and elder care needs.